2019 Workshop on Proof Theory and its Applications
The 2nd Workshop on Proof Theory and its Applications will be hosted by the Department of Computer Science at Swansea University under the auspices of The Proof Society and is sponsored by the London Mathematical Society.
The workshop will bring together researchers on proof theory and its applications through a series of invited and contributed talks as well as panel discussion, aiming to fulfil the mission of The Proof Society
To support the notion of proof in its broadest sense, through a series of suitable activities; to be therefore inclusive in reaching out to all scientific areas which consider proof as an object in their studies; to enable the community to shape its future by identifying, formulating and communicating it most important goals; to actively promote proof to increase its visibility and representation.
The Workshop will be co-located with the 2nd Proof Society Summer School which will take place on 8-11 September.
More information and registration details can be found here.